Magdalena D. Guerrero, M.D. (dr G)


8 October 2004


NOW:  Modified Treatment Regimen B for patients with Retinitis pigmentosa 

 Increase fish and other Omega 3 fatty acids intake to benefit the eyes, brain, skin, Cardiovascular system and reduce effects of aging, menopause and Arthritis

 Continue Vitamin A


1.      Take 3 oz. Cold water fatty fish (salmon, anchovies, sardines, mackerel, herring, trout, eel, Pollock, tuna, tilapia, shrimps,  etc.) 1-2 x a week.  Fish oil derived DHA and EPA are biologically superior, present in higher concentration and more readily incorporated into plasma and membrane lipids and produce more rapid effects than ALA derived DHA and EPA.  The amount derived from fish oil is not dependent on conversion of ALA to DHA and EPA.  (See ALA in the glossary section.)

2.    Use fish sticks only when other fish are unavailable.  Fish sticks are deep fried in partially hydrogenated oil.  Hydrogenation reduces formation of EPA and DHA from ALA.  High heat destroys ALA and other biologically active elements.  Re-using the oil causes further degeneration. In the case of Canola Oil, the original oil (Rapeseed oil) had to be altered because of reported illness in  consumers.  There was an old report about piglets allegedly dying probably from destruction of Vit E in young animals.  Most grocery samples have been refined and processed with chemicals and heat resulting in variable loss of ALA and/or its ability to produce DHA and EPA.

3.    Take nuts at least 4 x a wk.  It lessens the incidence of fatal heart irregularity.  Use unsalted mixed nuts.  Increase the percentage of TRUE nuts.  Add unsalted almonds (also available at the grocery).  Get walnuts when able.  These have the highest Omega 3’s in the nut group.  Peanuts are vegetables and cashews are seeds.  They have Omega 6 oils.  However, peanut oil is close to olive oil in composition, i.e. 2 gms. Saturated fat, 5 gms., polyunsaturated and 7 gms. Monounsaturated fat vs. 2,2, and 10 respectively in the same 1 tbsp. serving of olive oil.  Cashews also have high monounsaturated fat.

4.    Use Olive oil for most cooking and food preparation.  Try peanut oil for microwaving chips and baking (no taste or smell).  Also try Avocado oil if and when it shows up in the grocery. (In the meantime, EAT avocados.)

5.    Use olive oil in my personal skin cleansing formulae and peanut oil in my moisturizing lotion.  Both oils absorb well and may take with them other ingredients aside from Omega 3's and 6’s but not as much as Eucalyptus oil does.  Add Vitamin A to the lotion but not Vitamin E because they interfere with each other's absorption and excess Vitamin E dampens the good effect of Vitamin A on vision.

6.    Reduce Soy protein to 20 gms. per day because soybean oil has both omega 3 and omega 6 oils.  Omega 6’s compete with omega 3’s in the use of available enzymes to form EPA from 3’s and EPA and Arachidonic acid from 6’s.  Continue soy protein at the minimum amount needed because it also is rich in monounsaturated fats, forms GLA (for brain function), and prevents breast, endometrial, prostate and intestinal cancer.  It also prevents Osteoporosis, reduces menopause symptoms, and is easy to incorporate in a calorie counting endeavor.

7.    Continue Vitamin A USP instead of the recommended Palmitate form because the former is derived from soybean oil and fish oil plus it is in oil form and therefore does not require the concomitant intake of fat for absorption.  It worked for me.  Also,  these two forms change from one to the other as needed in the eye.

8. Proceed with Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor {CNTF}Therapy as soon as it becomes available to the general public. (Click S.O.S. button below).



Foods contain different fatty acids, oils and fats mixed together and/or derived from one to the other.

EFA: Essential Fatty Acids: Fatty acids that cannot be manufactured in the body and therefore need to be supplied from external sources.  Types: *Oleic Acid, Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA), Linoleic Acid, Arachidonic Acid

*Oleic Acid: Omega 9 fatty acid found in monounsaturated fats, theoretically not a true EFA because it can be manufactured in the body in small amounts without external supply as long as there are other EFA’s.  They are generally derived from foods.  EX: Olive, Avocado, Peanut Oil have a high percentage of monounsaturated (healthy) oil.

Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA): Omega 3 fatty acid; An EFA; Precursor of DHA and (with the help of an enzyme) EPA.

*Factors affecting conversion to EPA and DHA:

-         high Linoleic Acid in diet (Ideal ratio between Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids is 1:1 to 4:1.  The usual diet contains 16:1 to 22:1).

-         Saturated and trans fatty acids (saturated fats and hydrogenated oils (inhibit desaturation and elongation of ALA).  Transfats are often omitted in the Nutrition List on package of foods.  Add satrated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats.  If the sum does not equal the TOTAL FATS, subtract the sum from the TOTAL FATS and you get the HIDDEN TRANS FATS (BAD FAT).  I actually saw packages saying “NO TRANS FATS” but discovered them by simple addition and subtraction.  On margarine containers, that label is an obvious lie.  Another way is to read the INGREDIENTS list and look for HYDROGENATED OR PARTIALLY HYDROGENATED anything. I just discovered that my favorite brand of  mixed nuts did not have the oil used for roasting the nuts listed in the ingredients.  Since there was a discrepancy between the listed total fat and my computation of the different amounts of fats lisred and the nuts were definitely roasted I concluded that .5 Gms of TRANSFAT was hidden from the public by this PRESTIGIOUS company.  Sometimes OILS are not counted as fats.   They are mono or diglycerides sooner or later to be triglycerides.  Trans fats are TRIGLYCERIDES, one of the bad CHOLESTEROLS.  Know what to look for.

-         Alcohol (inhibits conversion of ALA to EPA and DHA)

-         Low Vitamin B3, B6, C,Zinc, Magnesium (they are required by elongase and Delta 6 desaturase for conversion to DHA and EPA).

-         “Normal” aging (accompanied by loss of Delta 6 desaturase activity)

-         Diabetes, drugs (inhibit Delta 6 desaturase activity and prevent conversion to EPA and DHA

-         Ethnicity (North American Natives, Inuit, Orientals, Norwegians, and Welsh-Irish may not effectively convert ALA to DHA and EPA)

Linoleic Acid: Omega 6 fatty acid; An EFA; (with the help of the same enzyme above), precursor of EPA and Arachidonic Acid.

Arachidonic Acid: Omega 6 fatty acid; An EFA; precursor of “bad” prostaglandins.

EPA: Ecosapentaenoic Acid; An Omega 3 fatty acid and a precursor of “good” prostaglandins

DHA: Decosahexaenoic Acid; An Omega 3 fatty acid and a  precursor of “good” prostaglandins

“Good” Prostaglandins: a group of eiconasoids, thromboxanes and leukotrienes that are anti-inflammatory, antithrombic, antiarrythmic, and vasodilatory.

“Bad” Prostaglandins: a group of eiconasoids that are proinflammatory and prothrombic.

Omega 3 Oils: *Canola, Fish, Flaxseed, *Soybean, and Walnut Oil (*commonly used commercial cooking oils and hydrogenated).


-Canola Oil: Widely used in commercially prepared foods in the USA and Canada; derived originally from reportedly toxic rapeseed oil; may cause ill effects if enough is taken.  The resulting oil had a tendency for rapid rancidity.  Hydrolysis which is a factor in producing rancidity results in releasing free Oleic and Alpha Linolenic faTTY ACIDS.  THESE ARE LOST IN THE ATTEMPT TO NEUTRALIZE THEM.  Canola oil started with a high amount of monounsaturated fat next only to olive oil.  High heat used to evaporate unwanted by products and hydrogenation denatures biological substances reducing production of EPA, DHA, etc.  Hydrogenation changes the oil to a transfat lessening its cardioprotective benefits, etc. (see Transfats). 

-Fish Oil: Only direct and concentrated source of DHA and EPA (ALA and enzymes are not needed); ideal for those with factors affecting conversion of ALA to DHA and EPA

-Flaxseed Oil: Highest ALA content among plant sources, cannot be used for cooking, needs refrigeration; Phytoestrogen content js higher in freshly ground seed than in oil.

-Walnut oil: highest ALA content in the nut group

*Non-fish derived Omega 3 oils may and should still be consumed in addition to an adequate amount of fish oils to increase the competition for the enzymes available for the Omega 6 oils to convert Linoleic acid to Arachidonic acid which later produces the BAD prostaglandins.  See bad prostaglandins above.  Block them with ALA.

Omega 6 Oils: Borage, *Corn, *Cottonseed, Grapeseed, Peanut, Primrose, *Safflower, Sesame, *Soybean, and *Safflower Oil (*commonly used commercial cooking oils and hydrogenated).

Saturated Fat: (Bad Fat), generally solid at body temperature, ALL the carbon bonds are single bonded, (each carbon atom is bonded to a hydrogen atom, no space for more hydrogen atoms} raises cholesterol, used by the body if there are inadequate amounts of unsaturated fat.  Eating more than 30 gms/day can lead to heart attack and stroke and impotence in men. ex: fat under the skin, animal fat, milk fat, butter, lard.

Monounsaturatd fat (Good Fat), liquid at body temperature, does not raise cholesterol, has one double carbon bond (1 hydrogen atom is missing, 2 carbon atoms bonded together, there is a space for 1 hydrogen atom), preferred building material by the body.  It makes the liver membrane more “fluid” and allow LDL Cholesterol, to pass through easily into the liver and out of the body.  A diet rich in monounsaturates and low in saturated fat can decrease heart disease risk by 25%, greater exercise endurance and higher testosterone in men.  ex: olive oil ( 20 gms/oz), Canola Oil ( 16 gms/oz), pecans (12 gms/oz), almonds (10 gms/oz), cashews (8 gms/oz), peanuts (7 gms/oz), black walnuts (4 gms/oz), avocado (3 gms/oz)

Polyunsaturated fat: (Good and not so good Fat), has two or more double carbon bonds (2 or more hydrogen atoms are missing, 2 or more pairs of carbon atoms bonded together, there are 2 or more spaces for hydrogen atoms to saturate in) , ex: Omega 3 and Omega 6 oils

Trans fat: (Bad Fat), hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated mono or polyunsaturated fat, originally liquid but changed to semi-solid or completely solid state, or given extended shelf life and modified qualities by increasing the double bonds using hydrogen atoms essentially transforming them to partially or fully saturated fats with proportionate increase in “badness”.  They are Triglycerides (bad).  They raise total cholesterol, LDL and lower HDL (perfect recipe for cardiovascular disease.  Cholesterol depends on membrane lipid transport through the liver for degradation and excretion.  Trans fats decrease membrane fluidity and function.  Hydrogenation also changes the shape of the molecule to trans form which does not correspond to the shape of important enzymes needed for manufacture of substances needed by the body.  Trans fats induce adverse effects on the enzyme system (cytochromes P-448/450) (the mixed function oxidase) that metabolizes chemical carcinogens and drugs.  Cancer and dysfunction of the immune system, Diabetes, etc. can be either directly activated or allowed to happen by wrong actions of activators and deactivators.  Ex: shortening, lard, margarine, non-dairy creamer, Canola oil and other hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated cooking oils. They are all over the planet.

A high fat diet has been found to be associated with a higher incidence of cancer.  Sialic acid (Neu5Gc) found in red meat and milk (saturated fats) when ingested find their way into human cells.  This substance was   later found in some breast and intestinal cancer cells.  An antigen, (alpha Galactose), forms against Neu3Gc containing cells possibly causing inflammation of these cells leading to development of autoimmune and age related diseases (Alsheimer's Disease, etc.).  Now trans fats add to the risk.  Worse yet, more cancer is found in the group with high intake of trans fats than in the high red meat and dairy consumers group.  Trans fat molecules are ALTERED  chemically, physically and functionally.  Hydrogen atoms are added.  The originals had less.  The molecules get heavier.  The molecules also changed from curved to straight.  They do not pass through the specific ports they ordinarily could nor fit in the receptor cavities they have to plug into for action to take place.  They are defective software in the intricate computer of the body.  They do not behave like the originals nor are recognized by the various enzymes and receptors that they are supposed to interact with to be processed and when integrated into body cells do not react appropriately with them.  So mistakes result.  If carcinogens are not destroyed that is bad.  If carcinogens are allowed to produce cancer it is tragic.  Trans fats have to GO before we ALL do.


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Construction started 8 October 2004

Last updated 7 August 2006

All Rights Reserved MMIV

Magdalena D. Guerrero, M.D. (dr G)











